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Some Folks Just Don't Get It

Well, the RIAA is at it again. I've blogged before about their antics, but this new one really takes the cake. According to a story up on slashdot, the RIAA is now seeking to enforce royalties on traditional radio stations. Apparently CD sales are continuing in a downward trend (unsurprising, really -- do they add in iTunes and related sales as part of these numbers? I'd guess not. and what about non-major labels? there's tremendous fragmentation in the music industry these days). They of course blame this on pirating, and thus think the solution is to extract every last penny they can from law-abiding citizens and corporations.

Basically, what''s happening here is that the RIAA has failed to comprehend the changing dynamics of the Internet age, as laid out in The Long Tail. They're a failing organization, and they can't stand it. The head of the tail is shrinking (even as the tail thickens), and they're just not willing to accept the realities of the situation.

My advice to Congress, and any other power entity considering interfering is this: remove the barriers to free enterprise in the marketplace, roll back copyright protections to the original 14 year standard, and let the economy shake itself out. If you quick tinkering, you might be surprised, and then Adam Smith might be able to stop spinning in his grave. :)


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