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Security Idiocy: Politicians, Mobiles

Pardon me while I diverge from my travelogue for a moment to point out a couple articles demonstrating pure idiocy, first on the part of politicians, and second on the part of "security experts" mindlessly saying that something "might" be possible instead of pressing a more likely scenario.

The first story relates to the US and Estonian Presidents discussing cybersecurity. Apparently the US President is now interested in implementing security, since a "new" threat has been identified. It's rumored that he's now pushing to start a Cyber Investigation Office. You may have noticed several news pieces in the last couple weeks, primarily featuring an Air Force General talking about this "terrible problem" that is "emerging." My advice: challenge the rationale, asking for proof.

My favorite bunko story today is from The Inquirer, positing the "Hackers can take over your mobile phone." First thing: DON'T PANIC. What's far more likely here is that someone is abusing the Voice over IP (VoIP) protocol to spoof the calling address/number. While it is true that mobile phone can be hacked (recall the Paris Hilton sidekick issue a couple years back). However, hacking an off phone, not very likely, and far more important is the issue I've already cited. This is almost pure media hype - challenge it!


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