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Whose Government?

Was just reading on CNN.com about the Senate not managing to succeed on a "no confidence" and this quote jumped off the page at me:

"They can have their votes of no confidence, but it's not going to make the determination about who serves in my government," Bush said in Sofia, Bulgaria, the last stop on a weeklong visit to Europe.

Uh... straw poll: who thinks the USA government is owned by the President? For some odd reason, I have this strange belief - maybe coming from a fuzzy recollection of that old rag, The Constitution - that starts "We the people...." Yeah, I must be deranged. I could have sworn these elected officials were supposed to be representing the people. Silly me.

Another quick one:

"This process has been drug out a long time," Bush added. "It's political."

First, it's "has been dragged out," but nevermind his notoriously poor grasp of the English language. Hey, dummy, of course it's political! Would any reasonable person not expect politicians haggling and fighting over political missteps to be undertaking anything other than politics?

My theory: the reason AG Gonzales hasn't resigned is because this whole ordeal is drawing attention well away from Iraq, not to mention his attempts to reignite the Cold War, and so on. *sigh*


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