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URGENT: Call Your Senator - Say NO to FISA & Telecom Immunity!

Here we go again... the Senate is debating FISA reform again... but wait, it's great news, because the Senate is in a hurry! Apparently they all want to go to Davos for the financial conference, so their answer is to quickly approve the bloody law, rather than do the right thing. Argh!

It's time to make your voices heard, once and for all. Tell the Senate "NO NO NO" on FISA, and "Definitely NO" on Telecom Immunity. If the telecoms were acting in good faith based on government requests, then they have no reason to fear prosecution. Granting them retroactive immunity - which in and of itself is questionable and possibly illegal - will only suppress information about Bush's illegal wiretapping program.

Call your Senator today! You can find their contact information in the Senate directory here.

Don't have time to call? Then take 2 minutes to use the EFF site here to send an email.

This is a fight for doing what's right, rather than what's easy. More importantly, this is a fight to begin holding the Bush administration responsible for their illegal activities. It's time to stop the spying! Roll back the leading tentacles of the Bush police state now!



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