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Monday Blogroll...

Here are a few of the things that I've been reading lately (cleaning out my Google Reader starred items)... note that I'm working on the lengthy key management post, as promised, just a bit delayed... more to come after that, since I'm finally getting my energy back (it's been a long haul since I got food poisoning a year ago, followed by being terribly run-down in general).

Time to rewrite DBMS, says Ingres founder
--> Fairly sensible commentary pointing out that DBMS is a 20-year-old concept that hasn't really evolved.

US drops Africa military HQ plan
--> The newly minted US African Command (Africom) will based out of Germany as most African countries are leery. Not such a big deal, I suppose.

The most intense laser in the Universe
--> Very cool science that could lead to some very cool new discoveries. Lasers are used to freeze sub-particles and bust particles up, among other things.

Sources: Navy to shoot down failed satellite Thursday
--> Check the news and get your binoculars ready - this could be an interesting light show! It seems unlikely that it will be visible from the US, but one never knows. They typically like to put these things down in the South Pacific away from civilization.

Campbell Announces Major Step Forward in Sodium Reduction; Adds 48 Reformulated Soups to Its Lower Sodium Portfolio
--> Less salt in foods has to be a good thing.

New Solar Cell Harvests Hydrogen From Water
--> Interesting new technology that means that hydrogen can be harvested without burning a bunch of other fuels. We still have a long way to go before hydrogen is a viable alternative energy source, but progress is promising.

Inventor to Launch Pop Bottle Rocket into Space
--> A rather amusing story. Apparently the guy already holds the record for highest pop bottle launch. Talk about taking "shoot for the moon" seriously. :)

Total lunar eclipse: look skywards Wednesday
--> Projected for 10-11pm Eastern timezone.

Full Lunar Eclipse for the Americas on Wednesday
--> Mid-Atlantic forecast: rain/snow changing to partly cloudy. *sigh*

Reduce your exposure to AJAX threats
--> A brief 3-step guide to sane coding.

Introduction To Database Encryption
--> Good post on the use of encryption within databases.

6% of Web Users Generate 50% of Ad Clicks
--> Interesting statistics.

Multi-Threaded SSH/SCP
--> Cool evolution to SSH.

Review of The Dark Visitor
--> An interesting self-published expose on Chinese hackers and their underground community.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 18, 2008 7:57 PM.

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