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Romney Drops Out, But Not Without More FUD

Ever-so-gracious, Gov Romney has dropped out of consideration for the GOP nomination for presidential contender. However, he did so in a manner that just churns my stomach, making it sound like this election is between those who would care for and protect this country and those who would not. Hogwash.

For instance, he said "Barack and Hillary have made their intentions clear regarding Iraq and the war on terror. They would retreat and declare defeat." Well, obviously that's not true. "[Declare] defeat" - whatever! But then comes his final blow of FUD:

"...the consequence of that would be devastating. It would mean attacks on America, launched from safe havens that make Afghanistan under the Taliban look like child’s play. About this, I have no doubt."
He can't be serious, can he? It's an interesting thing that, while the chief GOP wanker in the White House has done more to damage the foundations of this country, a wanker-wannabe dares claim that changing from the present course would do more harm. I'll grant you that Iraq is now a sticky issue, and outright, immediate withdrawal is probably not ideal, but to claim that pulling back would result in more direct attacks is bogus. Afghanistan and Pakistan are already returning to their safe haven status. And, incidentally, part of the reason one would pull troops from Iraq would be to bolster support for Afghanistan (home of the forgotten war).

A pitiful attempt at using the FUD hammer to divide the country once again. Absolutely abhorrent.

Any bets on if he'll be McCain's running mate? Seems a strong likelihood to me. Sheesh.


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