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Non-fiction: Steve & Me by Terri Irwin

I finished reading Terri Irwin's memoir, Steve and Me: Life with the Crocodile Hunter, on Wednesday evening. Those who know me probably know that I tend to be an emotional fellow. Well, this book certainly brought out the water works (and no, I'm not embarrassed by that). Plainly put, this is a story about a truly remarkable man, much maligned by the media, who did everything in his power to be the best exemplar of conservation, a fearless role model, and a wonderful father and husband. The strangeness of how he was lost makes the story that much more shocking. The premonitions leading up to it are even more intriguing.

Perhaps what I found most interesting about this book was that we finally get to learn more about Terri. Steve's life was so large that she often got lost in the background (I felt). In truth, she is just as much of a conservationist as he was, and had already established her professional life as such before she met him. They were a perfect match, only really differentiated by her knowing fear where he knew none.

Overall, I highly recommend this book to everybody. It has funny parts and sad parts, but it is age appropriate for everyone. The pictures in the middle are great, too.

Next up: Richard K. Morgan's Broken Angels.


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