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Engineering Prowess :)

eng-prowess-sm.jpgPardon my bragging, but I felt pretty good about myself as an engineer Saturday. Not only did I successfully assemble our "travel system" (baby seat and associated stroller) a few days prior, but on Saturday I assembled the crib, installed the car seat base in the car, AND... I replaced a light switch that was starting to crackle (indicating a short forming - seen that before). All told, the travel system (stroller portion) was the hardest to assemble as the instructions were essentially just pictures and there were lots of buttons and latches to locate and use properly. :)

So, as a proud father-to-be (any week now!), I feel that I'm finally contributing in a meaningful manner. w00t! :)


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The next post in this blog is Non-Fiction Review: Today's American: How Free? by Freedom House.

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