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New Feature: Wine Reviews

Greetings, and apologies for being at a relatively low level of activity lately. Work has been keeping my quite busy, and part-time on the road. At any rate, I thought it would be nice to introduce a new feature here: wine reviews. Don't expect hugely informative posts on the intricacies of wine from me. What you can expect is honest feedback on a simple rating system: like, sort of like, or don't like.

So, keep an eye out for a few posts in the coming weeks on some of the wines I've found. For the most part I plan to post favorable reviews on wines I like, but if I find a clunker, I'll pass it along. A couple things on my tastes you might want to bear in mind (perhaps to determine if you'll bother reading these posts): I generally prefer white wine to red and I generally prefer a semi-dry wine with a crisp, clean finish. So, expect Rieslings and similar in most of my posts.

Without details, here are a few wines that I've found to be quite nice lately:
* 2006 Rockbridge White Riesling
* 2007 Rockbridge White Riesling
* 2006 Chateau Ste Michelle-Dr. Loosen "Eroica"
* 2007 Dr. Loosen Riesling


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 21, 2008 8:51 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Non-Fiction Review: Ask the Right Questions Hire the Best People by Ron Fry.

The next post in this blog is When Admins Go Bad.

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