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Top 10 Reasons I'm Not Attending BlackHat

1010. The baby is due any day now.
1001. I don't look good in black.
1000. CRISS ANGEL Believe™ Hasn't Opened Yet
0111. No piercings or tattoos.
0110. I don't enjoy over-hyped over-the-top presentations.
0101. In the game "spot the fed" I would always be identified as "the fed" (though I'm not one).
0100. Unable to get into the really good parties (see "spot the fed" remark).
0011. My philosophy of security is much broader than 3117 h4X0ring.
0010. August is the wrong time of year for hiking the Grand Canyon.
0001. Because with BlackHat, what happens in Vegas doesn't seem to stay in Vegas.


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Have you ever been to a Blackhat?

We just subjected the twins to video of themselves in the womb and the NICU incubators. It's hard for me to fathom being at the other end of that very long road! Here's hoping that the nearest you guys get to the NICU is passing a sign in the hallway!

Remind Hanna that the best day of the year to give birth is this Sunday!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 1, 2008 8:27 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Non-Fiction Review: Today's American: How Free? by Freedom House.

The next post in this blog is Indefinite Laptop Seizures at the Border? *sigh*.

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