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RSA 2011: Mini-Metricon 5.5 and ABA InfoSec Committee Annual Mtg

Hey folks! If you're planning on attending RSA 2011 next February, then here are a couple things you should look at.

1) Mini-Metricon 5.5 (Mon Feb. 14, 2011)

Do you have an interest in security metrics? Have you been doing security research that includes generating lots of statistically valid data? Need a place to share that work? Or, maybe you just want to give a lightning talk about a metrics/measurement-related topic? If so, the CFP deadline has been extended to Friday, November 12, 2010. Please submit your ideas! Full details here:

2) ABA InfoSec Committee Annual Meeting (Sat/Sun Feb. 12-13, 2011)

Do you have an interest in the intersection between infosec and the law? Please join us for this free, 2-day annual meeting of the American Bar Association Information Security Committee. You do not need to be a lawyer to attend or participate (I'm not!). We're looking forward to some excellent discussions, panels, and presentations around key topic areas including cloud computing, healthcare data protection, current public policy initiatives affecting infosec, security integration in hardware (supply chain issues, robotics, DMCA anti-circumvention), and legal defensibility.

If you'd like to participate (panel, preso, or just want more info on attending), please post a comment, drop me an email, or hit me up on Twitter.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 3, 2010 2:06 PM.

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The next post in this blog is The Great TSA Debacle: Groping for Success.

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