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RSA 2011: Meet Federated Networks

Given work load, I only had opportunity to interview one other business for RSA 2011. Sifting through all the meeting requests can be quite daunting, but Federated Networks made a unique impression with some of their offerings that I felt compelled to meet with CEO Dave Lowenstein.

The long-and-short of it is this: Federated Networks (FN) is a privately held startup that has been working on security products for the past 5+ years. Based out of Toronto, they're now on the verge of releasing several security products that will target a wide range of customers, from the consumer to enterprise to government space. Full details are a bit limited today, but their solutions include what will be a free consumer-oriented sandbox technology, as well as a proprietary replacement for SSL. They also have a WAF-like product that will be available. Lowenstein says that they are planning to do a staggered release schedule of their products starting this Spring.

BT Counterpane's ethical hacking team has recently completed an assessment of some of these technologies, and reportedly the products performed well. FN is hoping that their products will be disruptive in the marketplace, and if half of what Lowenstein talked about ends up standing up to scrutiny, then I think there's a good chance he'll be proven right.

Beyond this, there's not much information I can share. I'll be looking for their product releases this coming Fall. FN also indicated that BT will next be testing their e-Voting solution, which I'll be interested to hear more about it as well.


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» RSA 2011: In Summary from The Falcon's View
Another RSA Conference has come and gone, and boy, what a busy week it was! Maybe I'm just finally getting to "attendee vet" status, but it seems like every year my time becomes increasingly overbooked. Not that this is a... [Read More]

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