August 2018 Archives

The Quest for Optimal Security

There's no shortage of guidance available today about how to structure, build, and run a security program. Most guidance comes from a standpoint of inherent bias, whether it be to promote a product class, specific framework/standard, or to best align with specific technologies (legacy/traditional infrastructure, cloud, etc.). Given all the competing advice out there, I often find it's hard to suss out exactly what one should be doing. As someone actively on the job hunt, this reality is even more daunting because job descriptions will typically contain a smattering of biases, confirmed or contradicted through interview processes. But, I digress...

At end of day, the goal of your security program should be to chart a path to an optimal set of capabilities. What exactly constitutes "optimal" will in fact vary from org to org. We know this is true because otherwise there would already be a settled "best practice" framework to which everyone would align. That said, there are a lot of common pieces that can be leveraged in identifying the optimal program attributes for your organization.


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