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Senior Paper |
Tomhave 17 |
means is that the business and the technologists need to identify how things are done and determine, through the use of benchmarking, the optimal state of these processes. Once this task has been completed, it is then necessary to go back after a set interval of time and re-evaluate processes to see if they are still the best practices. Sometimes the business will have changed, requiring the processes to be changed. Or, in the case of security, new advances either in hacking or in security technology may require new practices.
the forum of vendor-initiated bulletins, CERT bulletins, CIAC Notes, etc. Often times these vehicles arrive via email. For the business, there are also vehicles such as newsletters, intranet sites, physical bulletin boards, etc. Regardless of the kind of vehicle, the point is that the business needs to define the vehicles in order to determine how information and knowledge is distributed. For those in security, this is a key to addressing problems and even proactively addressing issues. By communicating with others, security issues can be defined and solved before members of hacker communities are able to make use of these techniques.
problem lies within the system in that students and administrators are not currently being taught why certain methods are used. Or, perhaps more correctly, the importance of knowing "How-come" has not been dully impressed on the minds of future administrators. As a result, we live in a generation of administrators who rely on |